Infantinos relocate to Qatar For FIFA President To Avoid Arrest

President Buhari with Infantino


FIFA boss Gianni Infantino (PICTURED WITH PRESIDENT BUHARI IN NIGERIA) has moved quickly to escape an arrest warrant in Switzerland should a criminal probe against him gather steam.

A report said Infantino has moved his family to Qatar as a self-preservation measure from the on-going criminal investigation by Extraordinary Prosecutor Stefan Keller.

He has rented a house in Doha for he, his wife and daughters to Doha even enrolling two of them in school even as FIFA have continued to deny this.

Besides running away from the long arm of the law, Infantino will get freebies like Formula 1 tickets, private jets and cocktail parties invitations.

A poll conducted by Swiss publication @nau_live showed that an overwhelming 83% condemned this move.